Greetings! My name is Greg. I was born and raised in Portland, Oregon. I'm currently pursuing a degree in Network Administration. My occupation right now is a water treatment operator. I have 3 other siblings that live in Oregon as well. I am in the process of adopting a dog in the next couple months which has been something I've wanted for years!
I am a huge sports fan and enjoy exploring new places when I have the opportunity. I've traveled to Washington, Idaho, California and Mexico. Some places have been better than others but overall they have been a good experience. I'm lucky enough to live in a state where there's a great mix of mountains and rivers. I recommend taking a trip to Silverton if you have a chance. It's a nice little town very reminiscent of how Portland was in the 90's. Not too far from there is Quartzville Creek which has a great view of nature while relaxing near the Santiam River.
This picture was taken summer of 2019.